Women Adore Tech

Motivating Girls in Indian Villages

Maanasa Sachidanand, founder of Women Adore Tech shares her experience visiting two villages namely Serukannur and Mathur villages in the south of India. During her visit, she discovered the secret to educate a generation.

Maanasa, What did you do in the villages?

I went to two villages in Tamil Nadu, India and demonstrated a smart phone controlled robot. The children got excited, their parents got excited and so did the elderly in the village. The children in this village discontinue studies after 14 years of age as they lose motivation to study. Many of them come from very poor households without a house to live.

How can robot help in motivating students?

A robot can show a purpose to these children. I told them i made the robot on my own and for doing that i studied. They controlled the robot themselves and got even more excited. They asked me what all can i do with robots. I told them anything you want, even build a new home for your family.

Who knew a small robot will build so much curiosity in these children with No exposure to technology. Before I left, I asked them "Will you make your own robot". They shouted " Yes, I will".

Maanasa Sachidanand is an engineer passionate about creating an impact in a small way. We would like to thank AID India Eureka NGO for giving Women Adore Tech this opportunity to visit the villages.

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